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  • julienneng

We Asked, You Answered (Pt. 5)

We sent out a survey to find out how this churchwide series has made an impact in your lives. Here are your answers!

5. Is there an area of your life you’ve decided to let God reign over? Briefly share why you’ve chosen to do so.

"Actually I already decided to let God reign over my life on a gradual basis. It's a lifelong journey and why I've chosen to do so was because He has been so real in my life. Things happening I've seen and witnessed, real life testimonies I've heard supported this too. Now with our church embarking on this 'Seek First Journey', it has enhanced my decision that God should reign over my life."

"To let God take control of my insecurity of not having enough money"

"Reiterated importance of letting Jesus be King over all areas of my life. Royalty is a privilege with responsibilities. Not a privilege to be abused. We are accountable."

"Wanted to say thank you to the youth and young adults who shared. Praise God for their insight and commitment eg encouraged by Brandon's sense purpose in studying journalism; weathering the challenges with God's values and biblical conviction. God bless!"

"I decided to let God reign over my life, where it comes to health, family, friends, salvation of a loved one, and relationships around me through my career."

"As a church staff, I've been challenged to think about how I can better be salt and light in the world now that my main work is focused on those who already know Christ. This has led me to say yes to some opportunities outside of church which have come along where I can share how Jesus has made a difference in my life."

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