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  • julienneng

We Asked, You Answered (Pt. 2)

We sent out a survey to find out how this churchwide series has made an impact in your lives. Here are your answers!

2. How has your understanding of the Kingdom changed during this journey? What difference has it made to your outlook and priorities? Share what you have learnt.

"Seek First His Kingdom and His righteousness in Matt 6:33 goes beyond just seeking the things of God as a priority over the things of the world. I have learnt with a better & wider understanding what the Kingdom of God is and what it means to us today as we live in this Kingdom as subjects of the King. Primarily seeking the salvation that is inherent in the kingdom of God is of greater value than all the world’s riches. I am indeed grateful of this treasure & grace that Jesus paid His life for us so that we can be reconciled to God and be part of this "Jesus reigns" Kingdom. To fulfill our royal duties in an upside down, inside out Kingdom can sometimes be very challenging because of our different views, brought-up, ideas, assumptions and expectations. Since young, I was always taught by my parents that we have to work hard to achieve what we want. Nothing comes free. You work harder, you get more, if you are lazy, you will lose out. If you wait, you will miss out. When I first studied the parable of the workers in the vineyard, I felt the unfair treatment by the landlord towards the workers (who worked longer in the field) to a certain extent. If I seek Justice and fairness based on my own human definitions and ideas, then I am in the danger of building own kingdoms and not God! Wow that struck me! Truly God is compassion and Just! It is is in His character! Therefore those who truly understand what life is inside the Kingdom of God will live it out the same way. And I need God's grace and mercy to live it through. Surely God has taught me many valuable take-aways through the lesson. As royal subjects, we constantly fill our thoughts with His desires, take His character into our life pattern and obey Him with a servanthood heart in everything. Thank you church for the great lessons!"

"The kingdom of God is here and now and...yet to come. This is latent head knowledge but not always top of mind. Distracted by the challenges faced day to day, health, business, work, and relationships, I can't say that I have lived out this awareness in the real sense of the word. So the reminder to seek first the kingdom of God is timely. It brings my focus back to God's perfect plan for me. Knowing that I can't change anything unless it is according to God's will for me, why be anxious when I can do one thing and that is to seek Him first and let Him bless me as He intended."

"Kingdom work exists in our lives in every minute that we live. There is so much that has yet to be done in His kingdom which gives Christians hope and anticipation in the coming of Jesus and restoration of the eventual kingdom to come. In general, the series has helped me be more aware of what has yet to be done and how I can continue to invite more into his kingdom."

"Ordinary people like you and I are royalty in God’s kingdom - do we treat each other like royalty?"

"I’ve learnt that I should SHOW more rather than TELL abt God’s kingdom. Can God’s kingdom be seen in my life and behavior? Do others see me living a victorious life rather than a defeated, dissatisfied and disillusioned one? Be careful about constantly complaining abt govt, bosses, colleagues and everything"

"Understanding changed to one of being a privilege to be in His Kingdom solely by His Grace and to have correct focus on Him and His priorities."

"During the journey, I have learnt the Kingdom is God's rule, his lordship and his sovereign governance. The Kingdom of God is God's reign through God's people over God's place. By his grace, He has equipped us with talents for our place in His kingdom. I'm learning to entrust him with all I have. The mission of the church is to fulfill the Great Commission, that is to glorify, honor and worship God. It is not easy but I believe with God's grace and guidance, we can achieve it. I thank God and the church for this church-wide journey exploring the teaching and encouragement from Jesus to "seek first" His Kingdom and His righteousness. Indeed I have learnt much from the sermons preached by our elders so far. God Bless."

"Never saw eating and drinking as an activity that is part of the Kingdom as much as now. Will certainly organise more times of having conversations around meals with fellow believers and those outside the kingdom, that they may see Him as we enjoy His provisions."

"A reminder that He is KING."

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